Plastico di Roma Imperiale. Sulla destra l’Anfiteatro Flavio, in primo piano le Terme di Traiano e, sullo sfondo, il Tempio del Divo Claudio e l’Acquedotto Neroniano sul Celio

Plastico di Roma Imperiale. Sulla destra l’Anfiteatro Flavio, in primo piano le Terme di Traiano e, sullo sfondo, il Tempio del Divo Claudio e l’Acquedotto Neroniano sul Celio

I. Gismondi

Scale Mode
Material and technique: 

Masterpieces of the hall

The hall

Plastico di Roma imperiale

This vast model reconstructing the city of Rome in the age of Constantine, created by the architect Italo Gismondi, is positioned in a centre of a spacious Rome, at a low level to allow an easy view from above. 
The reconstruction, at a scale of 1:250, integrates the information from the marble Forma Urbis (the large plan of Rome created in the early III century AD) with data from the archaeological remains and ancient sources.

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